Band » Band


A band program is offered to students in Grades 6 - 8. Registrations are accepted when students are in Grade 5 after the band teacher has conducted an orientation. Due to the scheduling of band, the allocation of staff to band and non-band programs, and the philosophy that one should complete what one starts, we believe that students who have committed to the year cannot opt out.
Please note the following:
  • Ms. Kuntz, our itinerant band teacher, also teaches at Pilot Butte, Milestone and Pense
  • band classes take place in the SNS library
  • students not enrolled in band will be formally scheduled in the timetable for Arts Education.
Band classes are offered to grades six, seven, and eight.  In order to offer a quality band experience, there is a fee in order to take the class. This fee covers the cost of the All Method book, the cost of hiring clinicians, festival registrations, uniform shirt, and helps with the cost of programming such as “Headstart Clinic” for grade 6. Please makes cheques out to Stewart Nicks School.