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Halloween Activities

The students and staff will be participating in several seasonal activities as the teams move through 5 different stations. Some of the stations will involve intense physical activity, so please keep that in mind!
Should your child wish, costumes will be permitted that afternoon according to the following guidelines: costumes must be school appropriate and may be donned during afternoon recess. Please do not have your child come to school wearing their costume for the day. Costumes must be something your child can put on independently and please no blood, guts, gore, weapons, masks or make-up. Alternately, students and staff may choose to wear black and orange or something Hallowe’en-themed and must be school-appropriate.
Following the big day, we ask that the candy and sweets are kept at home and not sent to school for snacks or lunch items.
Thank you in advance for your help with this!
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SNSCC Mom's Pantry Fundraiser

Our SNSCC is having a Mom's Pantry fundraiser. Orders are due Monday, October 21 with delivery in November. Ordering is easy! Go to and add items to your cart. When checking out, select 'Fundraiser Order (Group Pickup)' and enter order number 396814 along with the group passcode 37780.
Christmas concert seats will be awarded to the top sellers. Thanks in advance for your support.
Fowl Supper

SNSCC Fowl Supper Sunday, November 3

Buy your tickets early, it has been a sell-out every year.
The link to donate food items:!/showSignUp/5080A4AA5A62EA5FF2-52005386-grand

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